Tags: Indian economy

Philips to invest in healthcare tech start-ups in India

Philips is seeking to invest in healthcare technology start-ups in India, following other Fortune 500 firms in the world in empowering India's steadily growing start-up economy.

Venture capital inflows into Indian Start-ups drop by 35%

Start-ups in India have faced a sharp decline in venture capital investments during the first quarter of 2016. According to investors, this drawback appears to be a "new normal" since it shadows a series of funding turmoil in the past two years.

‘India-China Business & Investment Summit’ Glorifies The ‘Make In India’ Campaign

Seven day lingering summit of the ‘India-China Business & Investment Forum’ has been kicked off on Sunday while highlighting the ‘Make In India’ campaign. More than 20 Indian firms have participated in the summit. Meanwhile, four CEOs from Chinese companies already invested in India, have urged the Chinese investors to avail of the Indian government offered investment opportunities.

LIC invests ₹2,750 crore in shares of nine state-owned banks

Life Insurance Corporation has invested in nine state-owned banks. The Indian-based insurance group has invested around ₹2,750 crore in shares of nine banks in order to strengthen their capital reserve.

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Suresh Prabhu, railway minister of India, on Thursday, unveiled the rail budget for 2016-2017 in the Lok Sabha. The minister increased the quota for women and senior citizens in railway coaches.
The gloomy atmosphere prevailing in the construction sector of India has led the government to take monetary steps to aid the ailing sector. Shivshahi Punarvasan Prakalp will provide monetary assistance for the construction activities in India.
Import of palm oil by India bounced after its first drop in a year. The growing demand coupled with harvest failure boosted the purchase of palm oil from overseas suppliers.
The era of start-ups has been started in India with the recent years witnessing the conversion of ideas into firms propelled by the easily available funding. CEO of Cvent Inc, Reggie Aggarwal, says that he has a 'realistic view' regarding this race in the start-up arena.