Tags: Justin Theroux

Jennifer Aniston says she does not want to be a mom? Actress tight-lipped about rumored pregnancy, wedding to Justin Theroux

The actress also went on record in her pre-taped Today interview about having children of her own. The actress at that time explained her reasons why she is not having a baby with boyfriend Justin Theroux anytime soon, and on why she doesn't seem to be at ease with the idea of rearing a child.

Jennifer Aniston candidly opens up about aging and her fiancé’s opinion in new interview

Aniston talked to make up Guru Bobbi Brown in an interview for Yahoo candidly discussing her style, aging and her thoughts on getting work done on her face.

Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux having a baby? Couple seen on red carpet in HBO's "The Leftovers" premiere tonight

Rumors are going around that engaged couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are having a baby. Despite the accusations of their on the rocks relationship, non-stop rumors are being thrown at the couple.

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