Tags: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 latest

Search for the ill-fated MH370 to end by midyear

After two years of active search, the bureau has finally decided the search team should conclude their mission by the middle of this year. The decision was taken jointly by the Australian, Chinese and Malaysian governments, due to lack of any leads or clues that could take them to the exact location of the mysterious disappearance of MH370.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Latest Updates: Team incompetent for the search operations? Airplane still intact under Bay of Bengal

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 might be sitting under water fully intact. What are the latest updates about the search?

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Latest Updates: Pilot hijacked plane according to experts; Thief who stole money from missing passengers, sentenced to 4 years

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked by the pilot according to experts. Is this the answer to this mystery? What are the updates about this incident?

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Updates: Experts to widen search area by next year; Government’s involvement in hiding facts confirmed?

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 search operations will end but might resume to a different area by next year. Learn more updates about one of the most talked-about mysteries in aviation history.

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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is still a big mystery. Will the people from Maldives give light to this? Read on for more.
Malaysia Airlines MH370 has been one of the most puzzling aircraft disappearances of all time. What are the latest updates on the search operation?
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is still a mystery. What are the updates about this so-called 'accident'? Read on for more details.