Tags: Private equity funds

Small Business Investor Alliance favors US private equity reform

The Small Business Investor Alliance, who had been championing the the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act in the US House of Representatives, expressed their approval for the passage of the Act.

Exits by funds in Australia rises due to shareholder demand - private equity, venture capital

The Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association revealed statistics which indicated that private equity activity in the region had heated up following a soft period.

Two Republican representatives question regulatory oversight for private equity funds

Two Republican lawmakers questioned the time and resources spent by Securities and Exchange Commission in monitoring private equity funds.

India's Techno Electric looks to private equity frims for funds

Techno Electric & Engineering announced that it is considering investments from private equity firms to finance growth and expansion projects.

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Two private equity funds owned by Sun Capital Advisors Inc. are held liable for an employer's withdrawal in a pension plan.