Tags: Rob Kardashian instagram

Rob Kardashian's recent selfie on Instagram proves his determination to lose weight; His transformation inspires many fans

Rob Kardashian is getting himself ready to make a comeback. After putting on 100lbs over the last year, the 28 year old Kardashian has been sweating his way through hard workouts and strict diets.

Rob Kardashian is Turning To Porn Stars and Instagram Models For Help

Rob Kardashian is reportedly turning to Instagram models for the past year as a way to cope up with his depression. Khloe Kardashian has also reportedly reached out to his brother and convinced him to seek professional help.

Bruce Jenner Has A Secret Instagram Account To Stalk On Kendall And Kylie Jenner; Still Acts As The Kardashians' Father

Kim Kardashian revealed that Bruce Jenner created an Instagram account to stalk on his daughters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Bruce Jenner also acts as the Kardashian family's father even though he and Kris have already divorced.

Rob Kardashian’s Depression or Anger Prompts Kris Jenner to Keep Him Off on ‘KUWTK?' Kim’s Bro Needs Intervention?

Rob Kardashian is reporterdly out from 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' because Kris Jenner believes he's unfit. However in another report, it is said that Kris is just scared that Rob will spill their family secrets.

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Rob Kardashian's Instagram is now a subject of controversy as he deleted his past posts except about her sisterr Kim Kardashian. On his current post, the 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star compared Kanye West's wife to psychopath lead female character in "Gone Girl' film.
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