Tags: Russia
Pharmstandard offers to buyout shares from rebel shareholders.
OAO Pharmstandard stated they would buyout disgruntled investors at a discount. Russia's biggest pharmaceutical company, OAO Pharmstandard, shrunk the most since May 2009 after its plan to buy out unhappy investors' shares at a discount was revealed.
Germany’s RWE rids Gazprom after Arbitration
RWE AG is expected to get rid of Gazprom oil price deals after arbitration. RWE AG previously said to get rid of a link in oil prices with gas supply contracts, contracts that have cost Germany's second-largest utility hundreds of millions of euros, they must win an arbitration against Russia's OAO Gazprom.
Russian Retail Real Estate Investments Could be Highest this Year
Retail real estate investments in Russia have reached US$2.06 billion, surpassing 2011 annual levels, in the first half of 2013.
Gazprombank rather wait, postpones negotiations on Swiss Franc Tier 2 Bond Deal
Russia's Gazprombank has withdrawn from the Swiss franc Tier 2 Bond deal, source revealed. (Photo : maximzimin. com)Gazprombank pulls out of deal allegedly While the third largest bank belonging to the Russian Federation, Gazprombank, has yet to give an official statement on this move, the source confirmed that the bank preferred to wait for better market conditions before continuing on with the Swiss Franc Tier 2 deal.