Tags: Search engine

Google Fined by France Authority Over Privacy Issues Regarding the “Right to be Forgotten"

France’s data protection authority CNIL fined U.S. tech giant Google for failing to comply with the European top court’s ruling for the “right to be forgotten”. Google has implemented the ruling in Europe, however, the authority demanded that the ruling applied worldwide.

Wikimedia Foundation Received $250,000 Grant to Develop Its Own Search Engine

The Wikimedia Foundation received a $250,000 grant to support its early stages of search engine project, The Knowledge Engine. The project will develop a search engine that goes across Wikipedia and other Wikimedia’s services, allowing users to obtain relevant information more easily.

Revenue-Shares: Google Reportedly Pays $1 Billion for Apple to Keep Its Search Bar on iOS Devices

In an Oracle court proceedings against Google, it was revealed that the search engine company could be paying Apple at least $1 billion in revenue-shares. The payment was made to keep Google's search bar on Apple devices. A source named the sharing percentage for Apple to be 34 percent, but it's yet to be officially confirmed nor denied.

China's search engine Baidu is to be punished for pornography and commercialization

The company is accused of commercialization in the form of selling its forum's management and altering search results to show paying-websites. Last year, Baidu also faced punishment over pornography and violations of publishing regulations.

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A team of researchers from Daejeon, South Korea-based public research university Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) led by Professor Yoo Hoi-Jun have developed a head-mounted display (HMD) which is 30 times faster than Google Glass.
The launching of ChinaSo, reportedly being run by Xinhua's vice president, represents another attempt by the Chinese government to have its own state-run search engine, TechCrunch reported.
As mobile demand increases, so does data storage requirements so Google is now expanding its data centers in the Nordic region.
Google was advised by the Federal Trade Commission that it would not object to the search engine's acquisition of mapping app firm Waze.
Microsoft launched "Bing for Schools" project to aggressively promote own products. Microsoft Corp launched Wednesday its "Bing for Schools" program.
Yahoo entered into new partnership with Perion Network Ltd, which can benefit both parties by improving their individual services.
Amazon seemed like it was becoming a search engine for jobs in America. It seemed that Amazon was becoming a search engine for jobs in America. Recently, the company announced that it will be having a hiring spree to fill in more than 5,000 full-time jobs in several of its fulfillment centers across 10 states.
The US FTC updated its 2012 advertising guidelines and sent a letter warning Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other internet search companies to follow or be fined.
Google's mess in China should concern the company as it brings risks of being used as a blueprint in the US.
Adzuna has launched Jobsworth, a tool that gives a salary estimate of every job advertised. Classifieds search engine Adzuna has announced the launching of Jobsworth, a tool that enables users to view the salary estimate of any job advertised.
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