Tags: Shanghai

China and Hong Kong Indexes Retracted Following Latest Economic Data

China's stock market slipped on Friday, as the country reported the economic growth is in accordance with analysts prediction. While investors expected a stronger result.

Dollar Touched the Lowest Point Against Yen in 17 Months on Monday

Japanese yen surged against dollar on Monday. Speculation from non-Japanese short-term currency players pushed the currency to the highest point against dollar.

Global stocks soar on rising investor confidence

Global stocks rose further as increased investor confidence propelled buying support. Investor confidence has been strengthened after the announcement of European Central Bank's stimulus plans and encouraging US economic data.

Japan Finance Minister Expects G20 to Discuss Global Economic Recovery

G20 finance minister meeting will be held starting this Friday in Shanghai. Ahead of the meeting, Taro Aso, Japan Finance Minister said that he expect G20 to discuss ways to move global economy.

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Hong Kong Disneyland reported its first loss since 2012. Fewer tourists had come to visit the resort and theme park, with the biggest decline from Chinese tourists. China’s economic slowdown, along with political instability and the emergence of Shanghai Disneyland is believed to have affected the Chinese tourists.
The Shanghai Disneyland's ticket prices would be 20 percent cheaper than Hong Kong Disneyland at 539 yuan, even though the Shanghai's area would be much larger. After being constructed for more than six years, the park would be ready to open for public this summer with possible further expansion.
China's tech startup may find 2016 as a tough year as venture capital will face a slowdown this year. Analyst predicted venture capital in China will decline this year, and government try hard to boost the development.
Despite economy growth rate of over seven percent, the Indian stock markets are suffering from the selloff by foreign investors. The domestic stock markets may enter bear territory soon after the fall in Shanghai and Tokyo markets. The cash-strapped foreign investors are offloading in Indian stocks since November 2015. On the other hand, Asian stocks gaining momentum following the marginal rebound in oil price.
Amidst intense smog, China still came out with a 10% decrease in air pollution in 2015. The numbers indicate a direct fall in the consumption of coal. However, despite the small improvement, the situation is still pretty grim as the country, which is home to a host of coal power plants, has now taken the top spot for emitting greenhouse gases. The 'red-alert' situation this winter should be a wake-up call for the government to now take drastic measures to curb the sources of air pollutants.
The authorities expect more easing measures to help reducing home inventory excess. Developers are also encouraged to change marketing rules and reduce home prices as China's property investment growth hit the lowest rate since 2009.
After much wait, Shanghai announces the opening date of its Disneyland. This huge theme park is said to have some of the finest attractions, including the largest princess-themed park. While it may have faced a lot of construction challenges over the years, this Disney resort seems to have emerged unscathed, albeit a little late.
China will double the deposit needed for investors to obtain funds to trade stocks, known as margin trading - The Shanghai stock trade explained on Friday, as authorities look to constrain a practice that made an enormous market bubble.
The china's economy slowdown is likely to continue for next three years, predict real-estate developers. The robust growth has led cities to emerge as major infrastructure built up ones. There's opportunity in smaller cities though they can't offer the kind of growth witnessed in cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
China stocks fell sharply again on Thursday, fighting off fresh moves by regulators to restore confidence and raising questions about how much more firepower Beijing can bring to bear before a full-scale panic sets in.
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