Tags: Telecom Italia

Telecom Italia Discusses Hutchison Wireless Merger Freeze

Telecom Italia put a hold on its planned merger with Hutchison Whampoa due to disagreements over valuation.

Telecom Italia Chairman Updates Progress

Telecom Italia Chairman Franco Bernabe, through an interview, updates the process of the buyout from Hutchison Whampoa.

Telecom Italia Still To Decide on Fixed Line Spinoff

Telecom Italia still is in the process of determining the pursuit of the fixed line spinoff plan. Franco Bernabe, Chairman of Telecom Italia announced Thursday that the spin off of the company's fixed line network would take time in its implementation.

Telecom Italia Said To Sell Off Fixed Line Network

According to the Il Messagero, Telecom Italia would be selling off its fixed line network to Casa Depositi e Prestiti.

Latest News

Telecom Italia's investors meet to discuss future moves Telecom Italia SpA's stockholders are meeting today to discuss its future moves on votes to be made at the annual shareholders meeting of the largest phone company of Italy.
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