
Ordinary Management by Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is considered to be the top beneficiaries of the market rally and here are some of his management principles for you to learn.

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Oil and Gas Industry Rises

The il and gas industry had slowly rising under Trump's winning as the next President of the United States.

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Meet Rex Tillerson: Trump’s Secretary of State Nominee And The Flexible Pragmatist

Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Secretary of State Nominee, Is a Flexible Pragmatist.

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Trump Declares War On Unions

Labor leaders said after the election they’d give him a chance to deliver on his pro-worker agenda. But the ceasefire appears over.

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Trump Celebrates $50 Billion Investment on Robotic Doctors and Lawyers

Donald Trump celebrates softbank for proposing a $50 billion investment on robotics doctors and lawyers.

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Investment Analogy For Taxes Amidst Trump Era

Here are four ideas for you to take advantage the historical low tax rates.

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Trump Appoints Skeptic To NASA; Global Warming Research Now In Danger

Trumps has plans to stop NASA researches on climate change. He is starting things to materialize it already.

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World's Biggest Pension Fund Is At Super Ease With Trump As The President

The pension funds of biggest accounts are on a lax with Donald Trump as the president.

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Donald Trump Answers Out To News That Clinton Will Participate in Wisconsin Vote Recount

The Clinton campaign has met with lawyers, data scientists and analysts to assess anomalies in the results that would suggest a hacked result. Private meetings with outside experts involved sharing both groups concerns about the data and findings.

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Trump Advisers Suggest To End NASA's Climate Research

Donald Trump advisers thought that NASA Climate research is just a waste of time and effort for everyone so it must be ended and dismantled.

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No Melania And Barron Trump Inside White House For Six Months

Melania and Barron Trump will not be in the Whte House for six months.

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Kanye West Did Not Voted For Trump But Would Have Want To

Kanye says he didn't vote, but would have voted for the controversial Republican candidate

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Paris Hilton News, Updates And Rumours: Reveals She Voted For Trump

Paris Hilton voted for Trump.

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Obama Revelations: President-Elect Trump Is Committed To NATO

President Obama reiterated that U.S. support for NATO "will continue" during a news conference held.

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Top Investment Advise While Trump Is The President, Check This Out!

Here are the best advises while Trump is the US President.

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