Tags: US economy
Capital drains from emerging markets
Capital outflows from developing markets were higher than it was anticipated last year, according to a report by Institute of International Finance. The reason behind this oceanic change in emerging markets cash flow is China, which dragged out 676 billion US dollar.
China to combine 40 entities to work on $22 billion plan-engine project
China, as part of a wider drive into progressive industries to boost its GDP growth, plans to combine over 40 entities to work on the giant $22 billion plane-engine project. Under the plan, the government of China along with companies like Aviation Industry Corp. would invest 35 billion yuan.
High employment rate propels German GDP
Record high employment rate and domestic spending propelled German GDP rate by 1.7 percent in 2015, according to the German authorities' calculation.
US Economy Holding Strong Despite Global Instability, But For How Long?
The US Labor Department has released a report outlining the growth of the US economy with a low unemployment rate and job growth. This growth puts pressure on the US because of the current instability in the rest of the world's economies.