Tags: US Treasury Department

USDA To Strengthen Rules On Organic Labeling

US Treasury Department Proposes Mandatory Alcohol Labels to Include Allergens, Content, and Calories

The US Treasury Department's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau proposes new alcohol labeling rules requiring alcohol content, nutrition facts, and allergen info, to give consumers clearer choices.

New EV Tax Credit Requirements To Make More Electric Cars Eligible—Here's What US Treasury Dept Announced

The U.S. Treasury Department decided to loosen up the regulations to allow more EVs to be eligible for EV tax credits. Here are the changes made.

US Treasury Warns Creditors Against Exploiting Aid to Developing Nations

The US Treasury Department has cautioned emerging official creditors against curtailing loans to nations already engaged in programs with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or multilateral development banks.

US Treasury Department Unveils New Tax Credit Guidelines for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

The US Treasury Department has released the long-awaited guidelines for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) tax credits.

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The US Treasury Department will meet with the banking industry in December to give guidelines on how to deal with marijuana businesses in states that have legalized marijuana use.
Ally Financial Inc. said through a statement that it had sought to repay a bailout debt valued USD1 billion.