Trending News
Alliance Leaders Now Main Subjects For Lifestyle Audits
Declarations of assets and income will become a mandatory order to all African National Congress leaders and members of alliance partners COSATU, South African Communist Party, and SANCO to stop corruption.
Ballot initiative Seeks Funds for Brain Research
Research on brain diseases and illnesses like Alzheimer’s and post-traumatic stress disorder could be funded with $200 million by Montana through a ballot initiative. However, critics claim that despite being well-intentioned, the act seizes the current system to regulate state spending and might create debt that might be carried by the taxpayers.
South Carolina Solar Maps Pave Way To Other Regions
A new research at Clemson University reveals that South Carolina has sufficient lands fit to generate the huge amounts of solar power which would be needed in meeting the goals of getting all energy from renewable sources by year 2050.
Samsung Trades In South Korean Note 7 Owners A Super Deal On Note 8
After facing the dilemma of its replacement units, Samsung is set to offer its South Korean Note 7 unit owners a low-priced upgrade for the soon-to-be-released Samsung Galaxy S8 or Note 8.