United Kingdom
Birmingham City squelches rumors of sale
While there was an offer made for the club, Birmingham City management said that there were 'no immediate plans' to sell.
Teads gets USD 5.2 million in Series A funding round
Teads closed its Series A investment round with USD 5.2 million from Partech Venture and Elaia Partners.
Blackstone, GIC to acquire majority stake purchase of Rothesay Life
Blackstone Group and GIC agreed to buy a 28.5% stake each in Rothesay Life, the European insurer of Goldman Sachs.
GDF Suez acquires stake in UK shale
GDF Suez would be buying an ownership stake in 13 licenses in the Bowland basin of England from Dart Energy.
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Achilles Macris, former CIO of JPMorgan, said he was denied due process for he was denied the opportunity to respond to the allegations.
A soon to be named company would comprise of 7,300 miles of pipeline and storage and trucking facilities.
French utility company Electricite de France (EDF) would be joining forces with Areva and two Chinese nuclear firms to build a nuclear power plant in the UK.
Sources told Bloomberg that Charterhouse Capital Partners was considering a GBP 1 billion offer for G4S's cash solutions unit.
After infusing GBP107.8 million for store renovations, Qatar Holding would reopen Harrods store especially the iconic escalator.
A bid from a private equity firm for its cash solutions business is being mulled by G4S. Charterhouse Capital Partners LLP is contemplating the bid amounting to GBP1 million or USD1.
According to banking sources, the Financial Times said the IPO of UK's Royal Mail was underpriced.
A report from the Daily Telegraph said the UK government would be deciding on the future of Royal Bank of Scotland by next month.
Lia Forcina, Alidod Shirinbekov and John Levavasseur left SAC UK for greener pastures. SAC Capital Advisors LP's Lia Forcina had managed over USD700 million during her stint in the firm.
A UK court had started to hearing evidence about the alleged London Interbank Offered Rate or Libor manipulation brought against Barclays and Deutsche Bank.