United States
Obamacare enters new phase over the weekend with little fanfare
President Barack Obama's plan to extend private health coverage to the uninsured entered a new uncertain phase on Saturday as U.S. government-backed online insurance marketplaces opened their 2015 plans to millions of potential enrollees.
Wal-Mart's Vudu joins Disney's cloud movie service
Walt Disney Co's cloud-based movie storage service will give customers the ability to add purchases from Vudu, an online store operated by Wal-Mart Stores Inc, a Disney official said on Friday.
Deal to spur better 911 call locating for U.S. cellphone users
Emergency responders will be able to better locate callers who dial 911 on their cellphones from indoors as the U.S. wireless industry improves caller-location for the majority of such calls over the next six years.
U.S. loosening of rule to allow condensate exports started in 2013
More than a year ago, U.S. regulators quietly gave a small company permission to export lightly processed oil known as condensate - a previously unreported ruling that could further strengthen the hand of big energy companies pushing hard to chip away at a 40-year-old ban on domestic crude exports.