United States

U.S. GDP third Estimation after terrible Winter at 4.6 Percent

In the second quarter the U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in 2-1/2 years with all sectors contributing to the jump in output in a bullish signal for the remainder of the year.

August showed Increase in Personal Spending and Income

After a weak July the U.S. consumer spending and personal income picked up pace in August while inflation remained flat, the Commerce Department reported Monday.

Cisco sets $1 billion investment for global cloud computing network

Cisco Systems will invest $1 billion over two years to expand its cloud offerings, the company said on Monday, linking hundreds of data centers and cloud providers around the world in a network with more than 30 partners.

Six years after AIG bailout, trial asks: was it legal?

One of the more unusual trials to come out of the 2008 financial crisis is set to begin on Monday, when a federal judge will consider whether the U.S. government's rescue of American International Group Inc (AIG.N) was, in fact, legal.

Latest News

Michigan officials on Friday signed off on four bond issues totaling $1.1 billion that would fund Detroit's exit from the biggest-ever municipal bankruptcy.
A group of top U.S. financial regulators urged banks to quickly fix their software to protect it against the "Shellshock" computer bug, saying it could expose them to fraud.
Watch out Harry Potter, you are not the only wizard with an invisibility cloak. Scientists at the University of Rochester have discovered a way to hide large objects from sight using inexpensive and readily available lenses a technology that seems to have sprung from the pages of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy series.
Microsoft Corp will unveil a new name for its best-known product on Tuesday when it offers the first official glimpse of its latest Windows operating system.
For Bill Gross, quitting Pimco's $222 billion Total Return Fund to take over a $13 million fund at Janus Capital is like resigning the U.S. presidency to become city manager of Ashtabula, Ohio, population 18,800.
T. Rowe Price, the second largest shareholder in Allergan Inc (AGN.N), said on Friday that it wants the company to hold off on making major moves before a Dec. 18 special shareholder meeting, and criticized the board on its corporate governance.
Churchgoers grumble that they always get hit with pleas for money. But congregants at a Chicago church this month got a surprise – they each received a check for $500, with instructions to go out and do something good with it.
Nike Inc's (NKE.N) shares rose as much as 11 percent to a record high after the world's largest sportswear maker reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit, prompting at least 13 brokerages to raise their price targets on its stock.
U.S. weapons maker Raytheon has signed a letter of intent with Polish military software producer WB Electronics to cooperate in bidding for a contract to build Poland's planned anti-missile system, Polish state radio said on its website.
An influential U.S. senator wants to hold hearings into "disturbing" issues raised by secretly taped conversations between Federal Reserve supervisors and officials at Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), a bank the Fed was tasked with policing.
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