United States
Amazon seeks FAA permission to test drones outdoors near Seattle
Amazon.com Inc is seeking permission from U.S. regulators to test its delivery drones near Seattle, as part of a rapid expansion of a program that has sparked widespread debate over the safety and privacy implications of drone technology.
Google Employees Get the Best Perks Around as the Tech Giant Gives Back
Who wants to work in a place where benefits and perks are monumental and significant? If one is looking for such a job, one should look no further. Google, a company that is also known as “the perfect search engine,” is said to give its employees the most awesome and enviable perks available to date.
Access to Google services within China returns
Users in China were able to access online services for Google Inc on Thursday, after more than a month of severe disruption that almost completely blocked people from using features such as its search, maps and e-mail functions.
Senate Intelligence Committee approves cybersecurity bill
The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee approved a bill on Tuesday to encourage companies to exchange information with the government on hacking attempts and cybersecurity threats, officials said.