United States
Best Buy dedicates space for Samsung products in store-within-store concept
If you want to get a Samsung gadget, head to best buy. Nearly every Best Buy store has a space for Samsung products in its store-within-a-store concept, TechCrunch reported.
Lightspeed Venture backs professional Frisbee league in San Jose
Menlo Park, US-based venture capital firm Lightspeed Venture Partners invested an undisclosed amount in San Jose Spiders, a professional Frisbee league owned by Cisco Systems Inc president Rob Lloyd.
Ex-CIA CTO Gus Hunt joins venture capital firm as advisor
CIA's former Chief Technology Officer Gus Hunt will be foraying into the venture capital space to serve as an advisor to investment firm Artis Ventures, VentureBeat reported.
Calpers Chief Investment Officer Joseph Dear passes away
Joseph Dear, the Chief Investment Officer of the biggest public pension fund in the US Calpers, passed away yesterday due to prostate cancer, Bloomberg reported.