United States
2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to 3 scientists for drug discoveries from nature
Discovering antidotes and treatments from common to deadly diseases is a major breakthrough. Thanks to these three scientists who found a cure to get rid of parasitic diseases that has been a plague to mankind for centuries.
Age does really matter in achieving financial success
Whether it's for an emergency fund, a college education, or a comfortable retirement, it's important to have savings. It's a crucial step in taking control of your financial life and can even have positive effects to other areas such as your emotional and physical wellbeing.
Facebook to launch satellite in 2016 to give Internet access to remote places
In a respectable attempt to provide access to the Internet throughout hard-to-reach places, Facebook is scheduling a satellite launch this 2016 that aims to make the World Wide Web readily accessible to people living in remote parts of Africa.
Making The Great “Goodbye, Job” a Better “Hello, Opportunities”
Whatever your reason on why you have to leave your current job doesn't matter. It's about your response. When doing a work exit, most employees are usually overwhelmed in the situation they are in. May your reason be a dreadful working environment, tyrannical hierarchy, or a new, greener field you are excited to be yourself in, you have to remember that leaving is not just all about you-- it is for every person in the room as well.