“Real Housewives of Orange County” News: Lizzie Rovsek Writes all her frustrations about Tamra Barney and her memories as a bullied young girl

By Staff Writer

Aug 29, 2014 07:45 AM EDT

This is a photo of RHOC cast Lizzie Rovsek. (Photo : Facebook/Real Housewives of Orange County)

It looks like Shannon Beador is not the only one getting fed up with Tamra Barney's behavior in "Real Housewives of Orange County." Newbie Lizzie Rovsek seems to be sharing the same feelings towards Barney.

While Rovsek and Barney started out as friends, their relationship was tarnished after their trip to Brazil where the two had a heated argument. Lizzie previously commented that Tamar is sometimes "not a good friend." Recently, Barney gave harsh comments about Rovsek an even gave her a negative nickname, giving the beauty queen enough reason to quit calling her friend.

On her Bravo TV blog Rovsek wrote all her frustrations against Barney. "I am sure everyone is aware of Tamra's nickname for me, 'Kentucky Fried Titties,'" Rovsek wrote. "It really is trashy and frankly low class."

While the beauty queen initially said she will not going to pay Barney any mind over the rude nickname, she said that the harsh comment made her upset as it brought back bad memories of bullying.

"It was a trigger for me and it really touched on something that I had been self conscious of for my entire life," she wrote. "It sounded exactly like the pre-pubescent boys in my middle school P.E. class. I grew up hearing a lot of derogatory names targeted at my large chest. I was the girl in fourth and fifth grade that cried when friends had pool parties and wore T-shirts over my swimsuit to cover up my chest."

Rovsek have undergone breast reduction surgery several times. She revealed that after her attempts to change her body features, she realized that she has to embrace her body.

As for Barney, she wrote "I see nothing more than a 47-year-old bully when I see Tamra."

She went on leaving a message to young women about bullying: "What kind of message does this send to young women? This may seem trite, but I always felt sorry for the bully. Why do they act like that? It always seemed like bullies have a difficult time connecting with people in meaningful ways and thus use relationships for manipulation. Look, if we can put someone on TV and afford them fortune and fame for being a bully, we are exalting that poor behavior, and sadly we as a society give it life."

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