Ella Mae Paris Cosmetics Solving Hair Problems through Natural Hair Shampoos and Masks
The hair care industry is filled with unhealthy products masquerading as quick-action and effective products. Over the last few years, there has been a revolution with natural hair brands springing up to offer clients better options. Ella MaeParis is a part of the brands pushing the brand new narrative that effective hair care is possible with natural products.
Vincent Müller on How a Single Bold Step Can Transform Your Life
Moving forward without fear and choosing to risk regret by going all in-this is how developments and transformations occur. A single bold step can change the direction the wind blows, and Vincent Müller, the innovator who shaped the landscape of offline marketing, is a living testimony of this. Even through doubts, fear, or insecurity, nothing should stand in the way of truly living life and chasing success.
Gabriele Blei (AZIMUT HOLDING): Virtual Assets Can No Longer Be Ignored
Azimut Holding, an Italian company among the largest private equity operators in the world with a capital mass under management of more than 77,000 million euros, has announced the launch of the AZ RAIF Digital Assetsfund with the specific objective of investing in cryptocurrencies, digital assets, ETFs, funds and capital of companies linked to fintech or blockchain. We discussed it with the CEO, Gabriele Blei.
HighKey Coin: A Trailblazer in the First-Ever Crypto Social Network
Decentralization in different sectors has become one of the biggest trends of the past year. In fact, several industries are currently shifting to a more decentralized system to allow for more participation and transparency. Two of the industries said to be moving toward decentralization are advertising and marketing companies as well as financial institutions.