
Marc Menowitz Reveals Crucial Steps to Make Your Dream a Reality

Marc Menowitz Reveals Crucial Steps to Make Your Dream a Reality

Everyone wants a home they can call their own, a place of solace to return to at the end of each day. However, this dream is getting harder to reach for many as real estate prices skyrocket and economies crash. In such situations, it is agents like Marc Menowitz who come to the rescue of people to help them own their dream homes. Here, the real estate tycoon talks about his goals and fulfilling his clients' needs.

Jeff Lerner Advises Youngsters to Seize the Day, Rather than Waiting for the Perfect Time

Life seldom plays out the way we expect it to, but that is not always a bad thing. Sometimes a career shift is precisely what we need to find success or happiness. Jeff Lerner is an individual whose journey in life took him to deep lows and great heights, and today he stands as one of the most successful teachers guiding and inspiring the next wave of entrepreneurs.

Nathalie Nicole Smith: Meet the Advocating the "bold, beautiful, and bossy" Movement

As a rule, the world tends to have something of a hang-up when it comes to bossy people. They are seen as overpowering, domineering, and uncompromising.

Armin Misaghi Talks Career, Passion, Success and More

Radio and podcasts are catching a second wave as people are tuning into interesting conversations for passive listening while driving, cooking, or doing other activities.

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