Opioids Can Greatly Affect Older People As Well
Opioids are substances that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects. It took a lot of convincing to get John Evard into rehab. He was reluctant to give up the medications that he was certain were keeping his pain at bay.
Last Minute Deals by Best Buy
The retailer Best Buy has a last minute offer for those who wasnt able to shop last Black Friday and Cyber Monday and Green Monday. Here are some deals for you.
Africa Sees Rise In Lifestyle Illnesses
The is a rise in the number of Africans suffering from lifestyle illnesses, one of which is cancer. Unhealthy habits contribute to the development of the disease. Poor hospital services also add to the trouble of patients.
Government Approves Swapping Of Coal Between Public, Private Sectors
The government has approved swapping of coal supplies between the public and private sector companies with the aim of augmenting the availability of fuel and reducing transportation charges.