It Pays to be Pessimistic, Shows New Research Into Entrepreneurs
Optimistic thinking is leading people to set up businesses that have no realistic prospect of financial success, shows new research which may help explain why only fifty per cent of businesses in the UK survive their first five years.
Culture Change For Climate Change
What do fishermen, school cafeterias and the Catholic Church have in common? It turns out they are all allies in the fight against climate change. Earlier this week, five social entrepreneurs gathered in New York at The New School's Tishman Center for Environment and Design to discuss innovations to protect the environment.
Is Delivery A Solution To Restaurant Staffing Problems? Deliveroo Gets Amazon Cash
Deliveroo doesn't have a presence yet in the United States, but if you live in London, you bump into the food delivery company all the time. Its drivers zoom around on motorbikes and scooters, dropping off breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to homes and offices around the city.
For Commercial Open Source Software Vendors, No Easy Way Forward
In an earlier article, I examined some of the recent dynamics in open source software, specifically around the for-own-profit commercialization of some projects by large cloud providers, and how that is driving smaller companies to seek out restrictive license models, in the process causing themselves considerable friction in their communities.