CLG Pushes $375 Billion Cities Green Investment
An estimation of $375 billion should be invested by the world's cities in the next 4 years. A warning from the Climate Leadership Group said that cities around the world must invest around $375 billion just in climate action and low carbon infrastructure over the next four years in order to avoid catastrophic global change.
Microsoft Opens 12 Days of Super Sale Deals
Here are the 12 Days of deals for you to get discounts on PC's, Xbox and Surface Whether you prefer to skip the madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday or just like to take your time buying holiday gifts, our 12 Days of Deals holiday sale has you covered.
History of a Great American Nickname: "Mad Dog"
The history of the nickname "Mad Dog" which the elected to be the new secretary of defense is carrying as his nickname.
Maryland Recommendations on Regulatory Reform
The commission of Maryland had issued a report and recommendation on regulatory reform. Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland, who formed the panel announced his administration will move forward with all 187 recommendations.