
Regulatory Change Lead the Rising Halibut

Rising halibut catch may lead to regulatory change. Fishermen say stocks are healthier, but the federal government still lists the species as 'overfished.'

€5B Rescue Plan Alive Kept By Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Monte dei Paschi di Siena tries to keep €5bn rescue plan alive. Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) executives are fighting to salvage a multibillion-euro rescue by private investors in a frantic attempt to prop up the bank.

Buying Stocks Blind As Best Investment Strategy

Best Investment Strategy: Buy Stocks Blind. Many value investors are using the wrong investment strategy. Individuals wanting to profit from the stock market are consistently trying to become the next Warren Buffett.

Nawaz-Led To Pause Regulatory Authorities

Nawaz-led govt to clip wings of regulatory authorities. In Islamabad, the government is all set to take over the regulatory bodies to end their independence, monitoring and regulation role and transfer them to relevant ministries.

Latest News

Botswana's metals industry, the country's economic lifeblood, experiences a meltdown due to commodity price slump. The BCL Ltd. has closed its operations after being put under provisional liquidation.
The Arab Film Institute, which was launched earlier this month, announced its plan to hold the first Arab Film Awards. The organization, modelled after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, aims to recognize outstanding work in the film industry in 19 categories.
The CNN Heroes event will now take place. This is the time wherein we recognize all the good things that some people did for other people.
The 2017 Crop Advantage Series, presented by the Iowa State University Extension, will be traveling to eight locations across the state to educate farmers of the latest information about crop management. The program is scheduled from January 4 to January 26, 2017.
Global warming makes the reindeers become smaller, according to a recent study. A survey revealed an alarming drop in the average mass of reindeers from 1994 to 2010 due to the dramatic rise in temperature.
The top people from Apple, Alphabet, Facebook, and Microsoft are set to have a meeting with Donald Trump.
Lagarde will be standing a trial on charges of negligence. Christine Lagarde heads to court Monday in a case that promises to gain attention in France but is unlikely to have much bearing on her job as managing director of the International Monetary Fund.
The NEC had alrady laid an outline strategy regarding on how to boost kery service sectors. The National Export Council (NEC) has laid out several strategies to ramp up the performance of priority services sectors namely construction, information, communication and technology (ICT), education services and tourism.
A recent research by the Australian Automobile Association noted on the difference on fuel efficiency and gas emissions of lab tests by car manufacturers and the commissioned real-world tests. The research found that the cars may be dirtier and less fuel efficient than what the manufacturers claim.
The latest Motilal Oswal study stated that focused investing will fetch higher returns than spreading investments over a larger number of stocks. The study also reported on the key factors in getting higher returns, as well as the mistakes investors must avoid.
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