
IBM Cloud and American Airlines: Closed Deal

The IBM cloud had won the heart of the American Airlines and already closed its deals with them. American Airlines has selected IBM Cloud to be a service provider as it moves its internal applications to the public cloud.

Brexit To Damage Various Sectors Of UK Economy

A commissioned report revealed that the hard Brexit would bring significant damage to the wealth-creating and manufacturing sectors of the UK economy. MPs supporting the continued membership in the single market are set to present the findings of the study in an Open Britain event.

UC Davis Granted With $760M For Research Purposes

The University of California, Davis, received with $760 million fund to support its research programs. The federal government has been accounted mostly for the fund which was awarded to researches that address public health concerns.

RE/MAX LLC OKs 3 Independent Regions Purchase

RE/MAX, LLC has signed an agreement to purchase franchise of Georgia, Kentucky/Tennessee and Southern Ohio Regions. The acquisition is expeced to close before the end of the year.

Latest News

Consumers took advantage of Black Friday's bargains, with online shoppers outpacing the number of people who actually lined up to avail of the incredible deals. This trend drove online sales to surpass the $3 billion mark, breaking records of sales from previous years.
Jill Stein has already raised $6.3 million for her call for an election recount, close to the target of $7 million. The fund will be used to cover for the expenses in the recount for votes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
The State utility regulator said that this year had been a handful for them. Here is the top 10 that the commision had issued this year.
For the first time, South Africa President Jacob Zuma had a challenge about his leadership. The President of South Africa-President Jacob Zuma-face a challenge about his leadership for the very first time in a meeting of top officials of the governing African National Congress.
The death of long-time Cuban leader Fidel Castro pave the way for funds intended for Cuba's fortune.
Congressman Tim Walberg introduces three major reform bills for SME and mass American workers. U. S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) introduced three new regulatory reform bills that seek to provide relief to small businesses and American workers.
The new Final Fantasy XV is an epic game and really is worth the wait. Changes had made where in it will give you more excitement about it.
Surprised, the Region building owners had to get the service of their legal counsel to help them with the legal dispute with the Regions Center.
For the Monday sectors line-up, technology and communications, utilities rose as the most patronized.
Music bank Metallica, had released another debut album and such was hailed as the Best Rock Debut Of 2016.
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