BC Clean-tech alliance seeks $500-mln fund from Trudeau
B.C. clean-tech companies have requested Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to allocate a $500 million venture capital (VC) fund. An alliance comprising 51 clean-tech and investment firms from B.C. province has written a letter to the Prime Minister Trudeau to extend support to clean-tech industry.
Retail price for prescription drug increased in a very fast rate since for the last decade
The retail prices for prescription drugs have increased at a faster rate from the year 2006 to 2013. In 2013, the retail price hike for prescription drugs used by older people in America was 9.4%.
Cloud-Fund Enabling Mayak Satellite To Appear As The Brightest Star In The Space
A team, comprising of aerospace engineers and enthusiasts from Moscow University of Mechanical Engireering has successfully raised cloud-fund. The fund will be used to launch an observatory satellite. A reflector placed in the earth orbit will enlighten the satellite to appear as the brightest planet in the earth.
The Sacramento Kings Collaborates with Local Investment Firm to Host NBA's First Tech Startup Contest
The Sacramento Kings announced a tech startup contest for local entrepreneurs. Supported by local investment firm Velocity Venture Capital, finalists will get an opportunity to pitch their ideas to judges and a chance to win a cash prize and consultation sessions with the Kings executives.