
Van Dieman’s Land Co. Sold to Chinese Moon Lake Investment for A$280 Million

Van Diemen's Land Company has been acquired by the Chinese business man Lu Xianfeng and his company Moon Lake. The country's approval of the dairy farm's sale to a foreign firm was made possible with certain conditions that the Moon Lake needs to comply with, especially with the taxation policies.

Audi To Feature Fuel Efficient A4 Allroad quattro

Audi is going to hit the market with an ultra version of the quattro, A4 Allroad quattro, during the middle of this year. The new quattro is capable of cutting friction losses and is believed to improve emissions and efficiency. It will be the first ever Audi to feature the ultra version of the quattro system.

Will Venture Capital Slowdown Hit Asia in 2016?

Asia has been a growing market for startup companies and venture capital deal. However, as U.S. venture capital faces a slowdown and overblown valuation, will Asia also experience the same?

AT&T to spend $10 billion to expand its business solutions for customers worldwide

AT&T on Monday announced its intention to spend about $10 billion in order to provide its "integrated solutions" for enterprises globally. The company is also testing its 5G broadband services at enterprises and homes.

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2015 appears as the most successful business year ever from RES context. It has touched several milestones while being acknowledged as the Best of VMworld 2015 Europe. The browser extension provider has received $10 million from ORIX Ventures to accelerate its penetration into the emerging market.
An arrest of Paul Aker, a Houston man with more than $1,500 student loan granted almost 30 years ago, received a lot of attention from the U.S citizens and media. Typically, someone can’t get arrested simply for failing to pay the student loan, but an arrest of someone with a student debt could happen under one condition when the person failed to obey a court order to show up regarding the matter.
The gloomy atmosphere prevailing in the construction sector of India has led the government to take monetary steps to aid the ailing sector. Shivshahi Punarvasan Prakalp will provide monetary assistance for the construction activities in India.
This year’s African economic summit was ended with calls to boost trade and investment on the continent. The conference aims to strengthen Africa’s place in the world economy through investment and to establish Egypt as a gateway for foreign investments.
Eskom, a South African state owned power producer has attracted a probe over its deals for developing new power plants. Country’s finance minister has ordered the probe and cancelled post budget breakfast briefing scheduled to be broadcast by New Age newspaper. The move has been analyzed as a revolt within the government against Gupta family, intimate with President Jacob Zuma.
Yahoo on Friday announced the strategic alternative to sell its core business. Following the announcement, the company's shares climbed.
American International Group, Inc. reported a bigger quarterly loss than expected. The company was hurt by weak underwriting and investment return. The big loss in Q4 made its full year income dropped by more than 70%
The finance minister of Canada, Bill Morneau, is expected to disclose the principal terms of Liberal's first budget on Monday. Morneau's revised budget figures will highlight the problems facing Canada's economy.
Tokopedia, a start-up founded by William Tanuwijaya, is making its presence in Indonesia with its excellent product portfolios. Experts believe that the economic growth in the nation will drive the start-ups to reach its financial stability.
Shares of BHP Billiton, a mining and petroleum firm in Melbourne, started chasing oil prices very closely as they entered into the horrible downturn period in the oil industry. Analysts expect the miner to rally by nearly 50% in the coming months.
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