Apple Plans Yet Another Billion Dollar Bond Sale for Buybacks and Dividends
Apple Inc. offers second largest bond sale this year for its capital return plan. The Company has released its fifth multibillion dollar offering since 2013.
TimkenSteel to hire PricewaterhouseCoopers: What happened with its financial exploration?
TimkenSteel Corp. hired finance and management consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers to help explore financing options amid plunging commodity prices.
Malaysia's Foreign Workers Recruitment on Hold
Malaysian government halts its recruitment of foreign workers particulary Bangladeshi. Protests from private and public sectors arise urging the government to give clarification about the agreement. The deputy prime minister confirmed that the registration of 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers does not mean that all of them could gain entry on the Southeast Asian country and be hired.
John McAfee Volunteers Decoding San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone
Apple and FBI want to resolve their feud over the decryption of the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter but the giant tech company turned FBI's request. John McAfee, inventor of the McAfee software, offers assistance to solve the case.