Biotech Startup Companies Are To Brace For Harsher Investment Climate
Biotech companies in last 5 years were enjoying easy access to capital. That scenario started to change after stocks started to slide in July 2015 and have not stopped with Nasdaq Biotechnology Index reading 2933 Wednesday which is the lowest level since November 2014. This means biotech startups would be expected to brace for harsher investment climate although experts are assuring that market fundaments are still strong.
Opium Seasoning Used In Chinese Restaurants : 5 Prosecuted - 30 Under Probe
The latest food scandal emanating from China revolves on the usage of poppy powder is a banned item by the Food and Drug Administration of China. Five restaurants have been prosecuted and another 30 more are under probe for using ingredients like morphine and heroine in restaurant food. This latest scandal is one in the many high-profile food scandals that has been hitting China in the recent years.
Delhi's Homeless In Winter Chill Find Comfort In Moveable Shelters
This year's winter in Delhi, India has been particularly cold with temperatures hitting 14 degrees Celcius affecting thousands of homeless who live on pavements under the open skies. NGOs have come to their rescue providing temporary shelters made of materials like bamboo, reinforcing rods, canvas, and net to keep away disease borne mosquitoes. At least 7 bodies have been found in several areas in Delhi of homeless people having died of winter cold. The government has also provided services to rescue homeless in distress.
Sprint's Vice President of Product leaves after 25 years of Service
Sprint - the 4th biggest Telco in US - has been taking steps to cut its costs since it first revealed its costs cutting plan in November 2015 to as much as $2.5bil. The latest move saw Sprint's product head leaving after 25 years of service. The reason for his leaving whether it was related to costs cutting measure or something else is still unclear. Sprint praised Owen for his contribution that helped Sprint succeed and evolve into the wireless company it is today. Sprint extended gratitude for all that he has done and wished him best of luck and continued success in future endeavors. CEO Marcelo Claure has indicated more layoffs are in the offing in the coming months. CFO Tarek Robbiate made statement to effect that no one was safe where costs was concerned.