
McDonald's Japan serves fries smothered with chocolate called McChoco Potato

McDonald's Japan will start serving on January 26 the McChoco Potato, which is a unique order of French fries smothered in white chocolate and cacao-flavored dips.

Dish could face $24 billion in fine, higher than the company current valuation

Dish is accused of making more than 55 million telemarketing calls and telemarketing robocalls to landlines and mobile number based on a complaint receive by the Department of Justice dated as far as 2008.

Lifting Iran sanctions leads to business booms, $50B annual foreign investments

Billions of dollars worth of foreign investments is seen to go into Iran after international sanctions against the Middle Eastern country were lifted. Iran now plans to purchase 114 civil aircraft from Airbus.

India start-ups boom trickle down, investors cut budget fearing huge online sales won’t happen

Tech start ups in India are in jeopardy after global investors tighten budget for fears that huge online sales may not happen due to increasing valuations and long-term profits.

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Adidas released its laceless soccer boot called “Ace 16+ purecontrol” to bring comfort, stability and especially control for football players, like German footballer Mesut Ozil, who is one of this shoe line's major faces.
The “Real Deal” value offer is launched as a response to the so-called price war joined by other fast food restaurants, including McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and others. Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s Real Deal differs in menu set items as the parent company aims to give a real value option to customers.
Netflix has blocked its Australian subscribers from accessing the US content, who also happen to circumvent its geographical blocks with the help of private virtual network providers like uFlix and ExpressVPN. A continuous error message keeps the users from watching their favorite American dailies and movies. This has irked the so-called "geo-blockers" who are currently working on a solution to penetrate this block.
The new regulation is being established initiated by the San Bernardino shooting in California that killed 14 people and left 22 wounded. It has drawn many concern and dismay among European citizens, especially those with the dual nationalities as mentioned. Europe could also reciprocate, restricting American with the same duality to enter Europe.
The raiding of the party drug factories unravels that the drugs didn't come from foreign countries but instead being manufactured in India. The factories already have the license to manufacture drugs but were misusing the license to produce party drugs. Next, the agencies will trace back where the basic chemicals for the mass production of the party drug are originated.
Vietnam warned China against drilling an oil rig in borderline waters in the South China Sea. Vietnam's anxiety over the rig develops subsequent to a recent flight testing carried out by China on a fake island in Spratly archipelago.
Costco is one among the best places to buy every single men's underwear and accessories including belts, socks and undershirts. Men's Outdoor Trail Sock that carries the Kirkland Signature is one among the best quality in men's sockdom and a four-pack of the trail socks costs just $12.
The move to legalize online poker started six months ago and a few changes have been seen since then. The legalization is expected to stop illegal online gambling that has been going on in the country since the activity was banned, and in turn, could also increase tax revenues for Russia. The rest of terms and time measures on this remain unknown.
The submarine wreckage was found in 2012, but it took years to properly identify the vessel due to the sea conditions. The vessel was initially thought to be a Dutch submarine missing in 1940 but later confirmed to originate in Germany and went missing in 1915. The seabed scans showed more than 60 wrecks, but this U-boat showed up very unexpectedly.
Foxconn has put forth a highly tempting offer of over $5 billion in front of the almost-bankrupt Sharp Corp, which well exceeds its current valuation at $1.8 billion. The other potential buyer, Innovation Network Corp. of Japan, who was already very confident, is not so sure of a win right now. Foxconn's bid amount not only surpasses Innovation's $2.5 billion, the Taiwanese firm has also offered to absorb all of Sharp's debts and not make any top management replacements. While the board does not want their Japanese seller to fall under any kind of foreign control, the decision needs to be based purely on deal economics and not political considerations.
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