'Outlander' Season 2 Cast Update: Who will take the role of Brianna? EP Maril Davis debunks rumors


Latest "Outlander" season 2 cast update has revealed the possibility of various personas to take the role of Brianna. The season 2 will showcase the different people who are voted to take the role of the stunning woman in this series.

The Christian Post indicated, "The character, which was taken from the Diana Gabaldon novel series which has the same name as the show, is slated to appear in the highly-anticipated second season of the series." The same post reported, "The casting calls for a woman that is strong-minded, intelligent beyond her years with an effortless charm and sparking sense of humor, the traits inherited from both her mother and father." It was further mentioned that the character must be in the 20's and residing as a Boston native, who can travel back in time to meet her parents.

Also, the previous reported have teased of footages which were posted on Vimeo. The report from International Business Times has disclosed a scene where the hopefuls re-enact Brianna commenting about how her father wore a hat to conceal his true identity from the British soldiers. The same post further showed former sights done by the auditioners consisted of a conversation between Brianna and Claire on various issues.

Meanwhile, latest news from Enstarz.com appear to criticize the authenticity of the above rumors. The article further reported that Starz series has yet to officially announce the person who gets the stint and that the executive producer Maril Davis, who lately took to her social media to say that "any & all REAL casting news will only come from official source" which will include the official Twitter page of the show, Sony, as well as the producers of the series.

Indeed the upcoming season of "Outlander" season 2 is shrouded with much mystery as to who will take the role of Brianna. The "Outlander" season 2 is expected to return to the limelight in the spring of 2016.

Outlander Season 2 Cast Updates, Outlander Season 2, Outlander Season 2 Spoilers

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