‘Star Citizen’ Updates: Crowd Funding Proves Success as to Game Features


Star Citizen, a space sim video game developed by Mad Catz, has recently revealed some of its game updates which pretty much reflected the success of its crowd funding scheme as to the impressiveness of its features.

Despite lots of controversies, Star Citizen may be one of the best games ever crowd funded as opined by Crossmap. The recent game updates provided by Mat Catz have revealed the game's success in funding, as Mad Catz said that they wanted to create 'something neat' in which gamers would want to get their hands on. One of the exciting game updates is the game's special controller which would mimic the controls of a fictional space craft. The controller's official illustration is yet to surface, but was assured that the initial draft will be revealed either this coming Christmas or early in 2016. The game update also included three improvements in the flight mode: Precision Mode, Cruise Mode, and the Space Combat Maneuvering Mode.

Furthermore, Digital Trends reported that the upcoming joystick takes fans in another level of immersion. It is said that the pieces appear to be modular. Different configurations can be made as well with the special connectors on each piece of the controller. Even the keyboard has a split-on feature so that the numpad could be separated and be used as a separate panel. The site further noted that the controller is really a "novel feature, and will be especially useful for fitting the entire setup into smaller spaces and custom builds."

Such impressive features may be owed to the successful crowd funding which proved that dedicated fans are willing to contribute much for the improvement of the game. Recently, Chris, a Star Citizen fan with the username Ozy311 had spent 30,000 USD for the game. VG 24/7 reports that Chris owns everything which a Star Citizen fan has to own, and even owns multiple pieces of some items. It is also reported that Chris works to afford his expensive hobby and had never resorted to credit cards or loans. Chris even added that he is willing to spend more for the game, and is a proud to having contributed much to a massive project.

The prototype illustration of the controller which depicts a fictional space craft controls is expected to unveil either this Christmas or early in 2016. It may seem that much is yet to be expected as the game's crowd funding scheme undoubtedly keeps on growing.

Star Citizen, Mad Catz

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