Tags: Star Citizen

Star Citizen: Crowd Funding Gains $100 Million from Supporters; Updates Promises More Ships, Missions and Combat Systems

The anticipated Star Citizen has recently noted its newest Alpha 2.0, but even without a release date, the title has seemingly spilled more good news than not. That being said, the crowds that supported it have only given the game what it really deserves.

Star Citizen: Alpha 2.0 Gameplay Trailer, New Features Discussed; Game Dev Elaborates Fan Limitations

Cloud Imperium Games certainly has a gold mine in the form of Star Citizen. A recent display of the game's attributes show clearly what it can bring to the table, and fans can only expect the best out of the multiple traits within it.

‘Star Citizen’ Updates, Release, and Crowdfunding Revealed; A Star-studded Game to Wait For

Mad Catz recently revealed further details about its upcoming space simulator, Star Citizen, including the star-studded voice cast and its impressive crowdfunding status.

Star Citizen's Squadron 42 includes star-studded characters; Mark Hamill reminisces about the past

The upcoming game Star Citizen's Squadron 42 will feature voices of big stars. Squadron 42 of Star Citizen have gathered attention after it was announced that the voices of big stars will be included in the game.

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Cloud Imperium Games has certainly put a lot of effort in the crowd-funded title, Star Citizen. With it, updates are certainly upon the fans, and the latest features have not held back on making the title a most admirable one to date.
Cloud Imperium Games' Star Citizen currently holds the throne as the most tolerated title in terms of crowd-funding. Surely enough, there are fans that want to take their adoration of the game to the extreme.
Star Citizen called Alpha 2.0 has no specific date for its release. Game developer promised that the update will change the course of flying.
Among the major features to be seen in Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 include several new flight modes and Quantum Travel.
The much awaited crowdfunded game has now gathered over $93 million and 1 million backers The crowdfunding for the much awaited PC game Star Citizen has reached a new milestone.
Despite doubts about "Star Citizen" becoming a reality, Cloud Imperial Games released its cinematic trailer. In addition, joining the space-themed game's cast is actor Gary Oldman.
Chris Robert's personal computer (PC) game, Star Citizen, topped its USD29 million stretch goal for additional funding for Squadron 42, a single-player campaign that can be played offline.