Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow started rolling out to Android One users


Android One devices started receiving Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow a few days ago. The new update is now available to local companies of the developing countries. The version is believed to bring bug fixes, aside from its minor updates.

The first smartphone to get Android 6.0.1 is the Cherry Mobile G1, which is available in the Philippines, according to Phone Arena. The report said that the new version is not related to Google's monthly security updates. This is for a reason that November patch has already been issued to Android devices. These include some Nexus handsets, like the 5X and 6P.

Nevertheless, IB Times noted the steps on how to successfully complete the download from the notification panel. Users can press "Download" button and then press "Restart and Install" button. The phone will automatically reboot and a notice of "Installing System Update" will appear. From here, upgrade begins automatically. If users did not receive the over-the-air message, they can manually check About phone, then System updates, and Check for updates on their phones.

Since the new update belongs to Android One phones only, a related report mentioned that HTC ROM developer, @LlabTooFeR, suspects that Google is planning to roll out Android 6.1 Marshmallow starting next year. Though, the importance of Android 6.0.1 update for the said users is the capability to provide bug fixes, Tampa Bay Review noted.

On the other hand, one of the key features of Android One devices is its capability to keep alive for up to 90 minutes on a low battery charge, unlike with other brands. Previous report also said that it has an interesting notification panel, as it puts all shortcuts together. Its Google Now with Tap On Now feature and voice assistant are far better than other devices.

Android One users who wish to install the update may start now. Google is yet to make further announcements on other devices' updates.

Android, Android one, Google, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

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