Kendrick Lamar on his smashing performances and best album of the year 2015


Kendrick Lamar has gained so much recognition with his latest performances. The rapper is acclaimed to be one of the artists that was considered to have the best album of the year for 2015. The 'To Pimp a Butterfly' artist has went far beyond just music but also in promoting civic rights, among others.

Rapper Kendrick Lamar has released a wonderful rendition of his song 'To Pimp a Butterfly.' The said song has been set to air at the second half of Austin City Limits Season 41, Rolling Stones shared. Furthermore, his ACL debut will be on full blast on January 9, 2016. The show has featured various great performances in the past in the likes of Ryan Adams, Leon Bridges and Sleater-Kinney, to name a few.

Moreover, Kendrick Lamar has bagged another award for best album. The rapper is said to have raised the bar of how music is like in the context of music diaspora from Africa, as it is more than just music but an awareness for a good cause. According to Chicago Tribune, the 'To Pimp a Butterfly' artist is said to have raised the social consciousness in music and culture, which led to being considered as one of the best albums for 2015.

Also, Kendrick Lamar, alongside with Janelle Monae were acknowledged for producing the songs 'Alright' and 'Hell You Talmbout,' Billboard featured. In this light, the rapper has been welcomed to the Ebony Power 100 list for his music creation as he takes on anti-police brutality movement.

Kendrick Lamar is undoubtedly starting to change the world through his music. Moreover, spreading the word through his music creation is making a great impact to a larger variety of audience - most especially the youth. The rapper with his recognition and acknowledgement has proven that he has the power to influence and be an instrument of change.

Kendrick Lamar, Kendrick Lamar latest, Kendrick Lamar New Album, Kendrick Lamar To Pimp A Butterfly

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