iOS 9.1 and 9.2 Jailbreak Tools By Pangu in Development; 25 Cydia Tweaks Compatible Detailed


Apple might be working hard for the tight security of its operating system but the jailbreakers like Pangu are also doubling its effort in creating jailbreak tools for the tech giant's iOS 9.1 and 9.2. Meanwhile, for those who have jailbroken their Apple devices and are looking for new tweaks to customize one's iPhone or iPad, a number of Cydia tweaks can already be explored.

According to Latin Post, Apple has released several updates to iOS 9, with iOS 9.0.1 and iOS 9.0.2 being minor updates and iOS 9.1 being a moderate one. iOS 9.2 is another minor upgrade with mostly bug fixes. There still hasn't been a jailbreak tool since iOS 9 but that could change as it seems like the Pangu jailbreak team is working hard on its tool for iOS 9.2.

The iOS 9.2 brings small fixes and increased stability to the Safari browser and some security fixes. The jailbreak team has been working on finding exploits and vulnerabilities in the iOS 9.2 betas. They are also patiently waiting for the final version of iOS 9.2 to be released. Now that the operating system is finalized and available to the public, Pangu can double its effort to hopefully finish up their jailbreak tool.

Christian Today added that when Apple released iOS 9, Pangu had already a solid tool to penetrate it. But there came iOS 9.1, which has beaten the effects of the said tool. This left users stuck with iOS 9 as they will have to wait for a new version of a jailbreak tool.

The iOS 9.2 jailbreak will be here soon and Pangu is basically playing with the element of surprise to make sure that their efforts in building it will not be wasted by Apple releasing another update.

Nonetheless, the presence of the iOS 9.2 jailbreak will let users to break free from iOS 9 and experience the latest version of the Apple firmware and more. But it is still unclear if there will be a jailbreaker for the iOS 9.1 as well.

Apart from the Pangu's iOS 9.1 and 9.2 jailbreaking tool under construction, International Business Times cited 25 Cydia tweaks that are compatible with iOS 9 jailbreaks. The list includes;

  • F.lux: this adjusts color of the handset with warm color varieties.
  • iCleaner: clears cache on the iOS device giving more space.
  • Bloard: alters the look of the keyboard on iOS 9 device with a darker layout.
  • ClassicDock: will give a standard look to the dock.
  • Alkaline: modifies the battery icon on the status bar.
  • 20 Second Lockscreen: keeps the iOS handsets up for 20 seconds.
  • Zeppelin: lets iOS gadget owners to modify the carrier logo and text on the iDevice.
  • OpenSSH and OpenSSL: allow users to at least access the iDevice.
  • iFile: allow handlers of the device to access the files and folders on the iPhone and iPad.
  • Apple File Conduct "2": permits to view the file system on apps like iFunBox, iExplore and more.
  • LockGlyph: displays a fingerprint icon on the lock screen while unlocking the device.
  • CCSettings: add, eliminate or reorder different toggles in the control center.
  • RoundDock: brings rounded corners to the dock.
  • LegacySwitcher: modifies the app switcher layout.
  • Activator: accomplishes various actions with diverse gestures.
  • Harlem Shake: a fun tweak that aimlessly shakes the icons on the device. It also set gestures to activate.
  • Medusa: adds a new app switcher that functions like a multi-window.
  • SwipeSelection: move the cursor or selected text by swiping the finger on the keyboard.
  • EnableLivePhotos: improves live photos feature to older iPhones.
  • SpotlightBeGone: deactivates the Spotlight menu from homescreen.
  • Forcy: carries the 3D touch feature to previous iPhone models.
  • CCBackground: enhances the background of the control center by adding any image.
  • EasyRespring: resprings the iOS device by pushing up the Home card.
  • WinterBoard: allows users modify the handset by changing icons, background, themes, wallpaper, control center and more.
  • Forcy: carries the 3D touch feature to former iPhone models.

In the meantime, users who still have iOS 9 or any of its versions (iOS 9.0.1 and 9.0.2) can still utilize the iOS 9 jailbreak made by Pangu last October. It is yet to be determined when the iOS 9.2 jailbreak will be made available for the public but hopefully, it won't take long to arrive.

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