Tags: Apple Inc

Apple's AI Features Absent in iPhone 16 and iOS 18 Release in September Due to Bug Fixes

Apple Sees 5% Boost in Sales, Exceeding Analysts’ Expectations for Over $20 Billion in Profit

Apple's revenue was boosted by sales of Macs and iPads, which offset the weak demand for iPhones.

Apple Sends Out Threat Alerts, Warns iPhone Users in 92 Countries About Mercenary Spyware Attacks

Apple has alerted iPhone users in 92 countries that they may have been a target of mercenary spyware attacks.

NBC Universal To Sign In Advertising Deal With Apple

Having no marketing team, Apple seeks Comcast expertise to promote itsself more to the public. The Corporation of ComCast NBC Universal will begin selling ads for Apple Inc's News app next year in an exclusive deal, both companies announced on Monday.

Apple's Profit, Revenue Drops; Expects more on IPhone 7

In 15 years of dominance, Apple Inc. posted its first ever annual revenue decline. However, they expect a large return growth in the current quarter with the help of the strong sales of its new iPhone 7.

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A congressional committee has announced reviving testing of Apple and FBI on Tuesday. Apple’s general counsel and an FBI official will testify on behalf of respective sides. Lawmakers consider the debate centering public interest as important and summoned the disagreed parties to testify before the lawmakers.
Microsoft has sued the US Department of Justice on Thursday for alleged secret intervention of the government agencies to individual’s information. Through searching secretly, the US government is violating the Fourth as well as First Amendment, alleges the lawsuit. Microsoft believes, this practice has gone too far and hence seeks court intervention to address the situation.
Apple has launched on Wednesday a new Safari browser version, specially designed for the developers, Safari Technology Preview. It allows developers to experiment their own applications with the browser version with features like ECMAScript 6 and the B3 JavaScript JIT compiler. Apple has requested to share experience feedback to help in further developments of the browser.
Apple Inc is planning to increase investment in India. The company recently indicated that it is eyeing the second largest market in the world for long-term investment opportunities.
Apple Pay is targeting China as its largest market. The mobile payment system was released Thursday and was hoping to convince retailers to use the system since there are hundred million users of Apple. A lot of banks will support Apple Pay including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
Apple has been used to acquire smaller technology enterprises occasionally and is reluctant to discussing its policy or plan. This has been referred as the Apple’s usual nod for purchasing any company by the analysts. Thus the analysts confirm Apple’s Flyby Media acquisition and predict developing of iPhone headsets capable of tracking subject’s motion.
Despite the threats that Apple Watch could fail, the company’s COO Jeff Williams said in a radio interview that they have been receiving “tons of emails” from people who say that the device actually saved their lives.
Samsung is bringing the Apple patent battle to U.S Supreme Court. The South Korean tech giant hopes the court will give some guidance on the scope of design patents and the damages allowed.
Pangu is said to be working on the jailbreak tools for Apple's iOS 9.1 and 9.2. Meanwhile, for those who have jailbroken their iPhones or iPads, a number of Cydia tweaks can be explored to customize the devices.
The Apple's MacBook Air 2016 is expected to arrive June next year. This device is believed to sport Apple's very own Touch ID and Force Touch Technology.
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