The internet is for porn - Google Glass app developer


Google can never get rid of porn. This was proven by an adult app developer today after successfully creating content for the company's highly anticipated wearable technology Google Glass.

MiKandi, the porn producer for the Google Glass, said that despite the company's explicit ban on developers to produce adult content for the high tech eyewear, there seems to be no law regarding porn from users themselves.

"Where there is technology, there will be porn," said Alexis Kleinman of the Huffington Post.

The adult app developer finished shooting a pornographic video using Google Glass earlier this week. James Deen andAndy San Dimas, popular names in the porn industry, wore the eyewear-computer chimera, while performing sexually explicit acts.

Google posed a stricter ban on pornographic content on Google Glass. The company's policy on the usage of the eyewear has been strictly "anti-porn and anti-nudity."

Previous reports priced the much anticipated device at a hefty US$1,500. According to analysts, despite the non-consumer friendly price tag, Google is expected to sell over 2 million units of the eyepiece next year.

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