Tags: Google glass

Microsoft HoloLens has a contender in the form of Google Magic Leap; Will HoloLens revolutionize tech industry?

Google Magic Leap rivals Microsoft HoloLens as an augmented reality device. If pitched correctly, the Microsoft HoloLens could revolutionize the world of computing and the entire technology industry.

Magic Leap releases new video on its augmented reality technology

Augmented reality company Magic Leap has always been tight-lipped on the advanced technology it has been cooking in the lab, but on October 20 it released a teaser video on just how incredibly unbelievable its capabilities are.

Is Google planning holographic future for Glass a.k.a. Project Aura with new patent to rival Microsoft Hololens?

A recent patent filed by Google suggests its plans of creating a new Google Glass with holographic ability. If speculations are true, the new Google Glass could rival Microsoft’s holographic glasses.

Google is revamping the Glass as Project Aura

Google Glass, also known as Project Glass, changed its name to Project Aura. Google started developing the project in June and aims to include advanced technology like Soli and Cardboard. Google is working out on Project Aura. According to the Business Insider, the project started rolling out in June. Its focus is to revive the wearable device, Google Glass.

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Italy's Luxottica is joining forces with U.S. chipmaker Intel Corp to develop glasses that combine its top fashion brands with technology that could allow wearers to access information about their health or location.
A new report released by information analysis company CCS Insight provided a prediction for 2015 that has tech news sites and blogs abuzz. According to the report Predictions for 2015 and Beyond, search engine giant Google is poised to buy action camera manufacturer, GoPro Inc. in the coming year.
After two years of popping up at high-profile events sporting Google Glass, the gadget that transforms eyeglasses into spy-movie worthy technology, Google co-founder Sergey Brin sauntered bare-faced into a Silicon Valley red-carpet event on Sunday.
Google Glass is said to be the next big thing. It is a smart pair of glasses and it's the first of its kind. It's like a smartphone built into a pair of glasses.
Jonathan Mosen, who has been blind since birth, spent his evening snapping photos of packages in the mail, his son's school report and labels on bottles in the fridge. In seconds, he was listening to audio of the printed words the camera captured, courtesy of a new app on his Apple Inc iPhone.
Some of the best-known technology investors are looking beyond their tried-and-true Internet plays to bet on healthcare data as the next growth market.
Google, Samsung and Apple appear to have eyes on wearable devices as the next big thing. Here are some interesting features that Google Glass can offer users.
Apple got ahead of Google holding its Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this June. Google’s I/O is just a week away and it got the market buzzing on what it has in store. According to reports, the company may announce the release of the Nexus 8 tablet during the event. Additional information also suggests that Google plans to discuss more of its Google Glass and Android 4.5 Lollipop releases during the conference.
Google Inc's self-driving car technology likely will not be available for several more years. But the Internet company is already beginning the job of making the public comfortable with the futuristic vehicles.
Google has always made sure that its products remain affordable despite premium features. The company has been successful with its Nexus 7 program. The devices offered premium components and functionality without raising the price tag. It appears the internet giant wants to replicate that success with its upcoming Google Glass. According to the Wall Street Journal, parts of the upcoming wearable device cost less than $80. Can Google pull off a good glass bargain?
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