Apple's Swift Student Challenge Winners Get a Surprise From Tim Cook

By Jace Dela Cruz

Jun 10, 2024 01:04 AM EDT

A group of Apple's Swift Student Challenge winners received an unexpected surprise ahead of the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in Cupertino, California. 

Meet three Swift Student Challenge winners who were inspired by their families to change the future through coding

(Photo : Apple)

Apple Swift Student Challenge Winners Get a Surprise From Tim Cook

According to 9to5Mac, Apple invited 50 Distinguished Swift Student Challenge winners to the event, where Apple CEO Tim Cook surprised them with his presence.

This special group of students had the unique opportunity to showcase their work directly to Cook. Apple annually awards 350 developers through its Swift Student Challenge to foster growth, entrepreneurship, and networking among young coders.  

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35 Countries Representing the Apple Swift Student Challenge Winners

For this year, the event introduced special WWDC experiences at Apple Park for 50 standout students. The three-day gathering kicked off on Sunday at the Town Hall venue at the Infinite Loop campus, which was one of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' final projects. 

Esther Hare, senior director of Worldwide Developer Marketing, greeted the students before introducing Susan Prescott, vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. Prescott humorously engaged with the audience before introducing Tim Cook. 

Apple said the winners came from over 35 countries and regions that created app playgrounds sparked by something personal, like a favorite hobby or helping people in their community.

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