Adam Driver plays villain Darth Vader: will Joanne Tucker survive?


Adam Driver, husband of Joanne Tucker, will soon join forces to the dark side- as villain Darth Vader!

When? Variety doesn't give much details, but the contract was originally delayed because of conflicting schedules with his part in HBO "Girls."

The schedule conflict has reportedly been resolved and you will expect to see him in the film "Star Wars: Episode VII" as Darth Vader.

The film is expected to be hit theaters Dec. 18, 2015 and is directed by J.J Abrams. Star Wars fans may have to consider another outlet to satisfy their addiction.

In the meantime you catch latest news from the director himself on the sequel.

and Part II!

yes, Part III

and, Part IV, just kidding...

Horray for Adam Driver in his role as villain Darth Vader in Star Wars:Episode VII!

Will Joanne, his wife, survive the dark side is still up for speculation.

Darth Vader, J.J Abrams

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