iPhone 6: To have a curved display?


It was only a few months back when the new set of iPhones were released by Apple Inc. The iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c hit the markets with warm welcome from customers all over the world. However, it’s this time of the year that a lot of iPhone concepts have been released once again. This was despite no remarks have been made by Apple Inc. as to when iPhone 6 be released in the market.

Everyone seems like to wonder how the next iPhone would look like. That is why it brings no surprise that a lot of iPhone 6 model videos had been coming out on the Internet. It’s either the designer showcasing his portfolio or just someone who had been speculating too long on what iPhone 6 would be.

Rumors had been spreading online that the next iPhone could have a curved display. This was according to a report from TechCrunch. In a concept video by designer Ran Avni, the iPhone 6 with curved display could look something like this:

Are you ready for a curved iPhone?

IPhone 6, TechCrunch, Apple Inc

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