Ukrainian Troops Aim to Gain control of Slovyansk while tens of thousands of Russian soldiers surround their borders


Ukrainian troops attacked a stronghold of Slovyansk in the east at dawn, but was countered by pro-Russian separatists. The Defense Ministry reported three people were killed and two Ukrainian helicopters were shot down killing two crew members.

Arsen Avakov, The Interior Minister, gave insight into the type of battle they faced from his Facebook page describing the retaliation to come from "professional mercenaries" using grenade launchers and anti-aircraft rocket launchers.

According to the Ukrainian Security Service Russia underestimated the city to be originally controlled by civilians, but reassessed the position after one of the helicopters was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. One of the UKSS explained they fought "highly skilled foreign military men" in Slovyansk.

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt agreed emphasizing "Ukrainian helicopters shot down in Slovyansk. Some elderly ladies bought some RPGs or missiles at the local grocery store, I assume," he posted on Twitter.

Avakov continued to explain how the separatists strategically positioned themselves in residential apartments with information that Ukrainian troops were under the orders not to fire at them.

The Ukrainian troops successful seized 9 check-points around the city. Soldiers with armored personnel carriers were stationed on the outskirts on the roads. Later Ukrainians presumably lost the upper hand and drafting civilians for their help as seen in the video below.

"We will defend the city. We will win," he said.

The stakes are high if Ukraine loses the east as it is the industrial power house of the country. The International Monetary Fund announced the day before the attack that it would have to plan a $17 billion bailout of Ukraine if the government lost control of eastern Ukraine. The strike also followed a day after Putin ordered that all troops to be withdrawn from the government in Kiev.

A spokesman for Putin, Dmitri Peskov, reported that special envoy Vladimir Lukin was sent by Putin Thursday to begin negotiations with pro-Russian separatists concerning the seven international observers taken hostage in Slovyansk.

A rebel fighter from a burning barricade identified as Thunder stated he had two children and has a third child on the way. He hopes Russian troops will intervene saying "I believe the Russian army will be here soon," he said. "It is time."

Meanwhile tens of thousands of Russian troops bulked at the Ukrainian border in preparation to defending ethnic Russians as their right. Ukraine suspects Russia to fund and supply separatists with weapons who seized government buildings across the east of the country. They vow to hold a referendum on independence May 11. Russia denies the accusation.

Interior Minister Avakov said slated the objectives of Friday as freeing hostages, force rebels to lay down their arms, release administrative buildings from their control, and restore the normal functioning of the city administration.

Ukraine, IMF, International Monetary Fund, Vladimir Putin

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