New "Ninja Turtles" TV Spots Show PIzza Hut Product Placement, Turtles as... Teenagers? [Video]


Traditionally, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have always been teenagers, given that the word "teenage" is part of the title.

But a new TV spot for the upcoming "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" film might have revealed something new- that the teenage turtle heroes aren't actually teenagers at all.

Early on in the spot, footage is shown of one of the turtles in flashback, training with their sensei, Master Splinter. The turtle in the footage is much younger and resembles a teenager, calling into question whether the present-day turtles in the film will really be teenagers themselves.

Another piece of evidence came from, where a snapshot of an upcoming "Ninja Turtles" LEGO set was uncovered. In the toy set, the Ninja Turtles came in two forms- the movie version, and a teenage version.

Paramount later added that the turtles will be teenagers in the film, but did not qualify the presence of "teenage" turtles in the marketing and merchandising that were clearly younger than the present-day turtles themselves.

This is not the first time that information about the film has been leaked through LEGO sets. Earlier this year, a series of playsets were released that seemingly gave away major plot points from the film.

Back in 2012, it was revealed that producer Michael Bay wanted to drop the words "Teenage" and "Mutant," from the film's title, leaving it solely "NInja Turtles." This led to speculation that the Turtles would not be teenagers at all in the film.

As well, another TV spot has been released recently, which features the turtle heroes teaming up with Pizza Hut for a new cross-promotional marketing campaign. The Ninja Turtles have been obsessed with pizza since their 1987 cartoon series, and it's not surprising that a major pizza chain would take advantage of this to gain a new line of "Ninja Turtle" themed ads.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" hits theaters on August 8, 2014.

Ninja Turtles, Michael bay, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pizza Hut, Movies, Film, Trending news

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