'Days of Our Lives' Spoilers : Daniel outsmarts Kristen, Sami files restraining order against EJ


"Days of Ours Lives" this week will be featuring more drama in its upcoming August 11-15 episodes. The show will reportedly start in Salem, where tension between Kristen DiMera (Eileen Davidson) and Daniel (Shawn Christian) escaltes. CP Entertainment said that Kristen will be facing difficulties in Salem as Daniel is eager for her to pay for the crimes she has committed. Her latest scheme would fail miserably as Daniel will outsmart her, according to Soap Opera Fan. It was said that Daniel will not stop until he is going be able to force Kristen to confess her crimes.

On the other hand, Celeb Dirty Laundry noted that a lot fans are growing weary of the never-ending schemes of Sami (Allison Sweeny) to get back against her cheating husband EJ DiMera (James Scott). Sami, who has been threatening EJ with a restraining order for a while, will actually push through with her plans to legally ban EJ from the mansion that the DiMeras owned. The gossip news site said that Sami's restraining order on EJ might be the one that would break the camel's back, and that all hopes of reconciliation between the pair might no longer happen.

Initially, Sami had wanted to reconnect with her estranged husband and bury the hachet once and for all, especially for the sake of their children. Sweeney told Soap Opera Digest, "Sami is having all these wonderful thoughts about the good things that EJ has done for her and how she pushed him away because of the lies with Kristen."

Meanwhile, the person who would be cheering for Sami's latest legal plan against EJ is Kate (Lauren Koslow), who has a lot to lose. Kate, who currently has a room in the DiMera mansion and is CEO of the family's company, is not eager for a Sami-EJ reunion. Thanks to the restraining order, Kate would surely be cheering from the sidelines should EJ decides to retaliate.

Do you think that it is a good move for Sami to file a restraining order against EJ?

Days of our lives spoilers, Days of our lives

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