'Orange is the New Black' casting update: The truth comes out about Pornstache's pornstache


After the smash hit that was "Orange is the New Black's" second season, Netflix fans are desperately awaiting a third season of the prison comedy/drama. And now, we know just when that will be: Hallels indicates that "Orange is the New Black" will return to Netflix in June of 2015, and like the first two seasons of the series, every episode will be streamable on the same date. Sadly, we don't yet know the exact date in June, but chances are we will soon.

As well, Hallels has a casting update for the third season: Marsha Blake, of the film "Django Unchained," will be joining the series as a new cast member. According to Blake's Instagram post, she'll be playing a correctional officer named "Berdie" Rogers. It's not yet known what relationship she'll have with the other inmates, but we might see a trailer soon that will help us in that regard.

Seen above is a picture from Blake's Instagram page, showing her in full costume as the new CO.

As well, we also have news about Pornstache. Now, Pornstache may be going to jail, and that may likely be the last we see of his character, but actor Pablo Schrieber recently spoke to Fox 411 about the infamous mustache his character wore.

And it turns out- pause for suspense- that the mustache was fake the entire time.

Here's what Schreiber said:

"They glue it on so it feels pretty real, but it's not mine."

But actress and co-star Laverne Cox came to his defense, adding: "My philosophy when it comes to fake hair is if someone bought it then it's real."

It's good to know that even if all the characters hated pornstache, the actors themselves were a lot more buddy-buddy.

Check back soon for the latest on "Orange is the New Black" season three.

Orange Is The New Black, Orange Is The New Black Season 3, Netflix

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