Joan Lunden Cancer Treatment Fight News: Loose your Hair, but Gain Your Life Inspiration for Millions of Women in Chemotherapy


Joan Lunden takes determination to next level against cancer with aim to inspire others to fight off the illness in October for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Her decision comes at a time after finishing many sessions of chemotherapy and a operation to remove a tumor.

Part of the cancer inspiration strategy includes herself - Joan Lunden smiling on the cover of People magazine centered while Kate Middleton and Jessa Duggar sidelined. Her declaration 'I will beat this' in blue bold type face.

To many this raised questioning eyebrows. Why did she do this? got the answers for us.

"It was such a tough decision. As a parent, I worried how my kids would think," she said. "And it wasn't the comfortable decision - knowing you were going to be seen by everyone in such a vulnerable way - but I know it was the right decision."

Simple message of hope to inspire other women.

"I knew I could be a voice for a quarter of a million women who are diagnosed every year with breast cancer, and I wanted to show that your health is more important than your hair," she said. "Your hair grows back after you stop chemo, and then you have your life."

The wig or bald? 11-year old son Max offers wisdom beyond his years.

"This was just theoretical, like, 'What do you think guys think? Should Mommy do this picture without hair?'" she recalled. That's when her 11-year-old son, Max, immediately raised his hand.

"'Definitely do it without hair,'" he said. "I said, 'Really?' 'Absolutely. You can make a difference and save lives. You have to do it that way.'"

Joan first discovered last June she had breast cancer after her annual mammogram and ultra sound check up.

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