"Mass Effect 4" In the Works, but Bioware May Delay it to Work on "Dragon Age: Inqisition"


The last time we reported on "Mass Effect 4" here at Venture Capital Post it was a substantial piece of news- that the sequel to Bioware's enormous science fiction gaming franchise would be pushing out a new sequel, and that sequel would have nothing to do with Commander Shepard, the protagonist of all three "Mass Effect" games.

Now, according to KpopStarz, we've got more news on the sequel- they're saying that Bioware is, in fact, working on a sequel, but it's not their hottest priority, and that the developer is working on another game before "Mass Effect 4." Because of that, the sci-fi sequel won't be available until at least next year.

KpopStarz also has a quote from Chris Priestly, a former community manager for Bioware, about the status of the next "Mass Effect" game, and the game the studio is working on in the meantime- which sounds like an installment of the popular "Dragon Age" franchise.

"I would guess that BioWare wants the focus of 2014 to be on Dragon Age: Inquisition," said Priestly. "DA2 was not loved by all fans *cough*, but it was an important step going from DA:O to what DA:I looks to be."

"As such, and to ensure that DA:I will allow for much more DA content to come in the future (DLC for DAI, DA4/5/6 or whatever they get called, ancillary products, etc), I think this year's E3 will heavily push Inquisition to the press and gamers. To announce whatever the next ME game is called at E3 would dilute BioWare focus."

According to VG247, Bioware is indeed pushing the latest "Dragon Age" game as hard as they possibly can, given that the game is coming to next-gen consoles like the PS4 and the Xbox One. So this rumor might have something to it, after all.

Check back soon for the latest news on "Mass Effect 4."

Mass Effect, Mass Effect 4, Mass Effect 4 News, Mass Effect 4 Update, Bioware, Dragon Age

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