'Star Trek' 3 Goes 'Fast & Furious'? Justin Lin is new director; Will William Shatner appear as older 'Captain Kirk' to younger version Chris Pine? [Rumors]


"Star Trek" 3 has another change in their director. Justin Lin, who helmed "Fast & Furious 6," is tasked to direct the sci-fi sequel, Deadline reported. Lin is to replace Robert Orci, who was initially tapped to do the film after JJ Abrams bowed out. Orci was a co-writer of the revamped series.

The site added that Lin was offered the role although there were several other high-profile directors considered because he was supposed to direct "The Bourne Legacy" spinoff sequel. However, that plan was stalled after original series director Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon agreed to do another installment to "The Bourne" franchise.

Badass Digest's Devin Faraci said that the director change was worrisome for the revamped "Star Trek" franchise on certain points. He wrote, "Guardians of the Galaxy. That's the movie that has a bug up Paramount's ass, and they want Star Trek 3 to feel more like Guardians. This comes on the heels of the first two movies being respectable, solid earners but not the kind of home runs Paramount needs. They want the third film to be huge, and they want it to be huge overseas especially. They look at Rocket and Groot and then they look at Keenser and they wonder why he doesn't have more of a role."

On the other hand, Drew McWeeny for HitFix said that Lin is perfect for the role considering his experience with "The Fast & Furious" franchise. He argued, "What Lin brings to the table, aside from basic competence (more in-demand than you would expect these days), is a knack for directing an ensemble cast and an ability to stage the sort of absurdly gigantic set pieces that drive these movies now."

Meanwhile, Orci shot down rumors to IGN about William Shatner making an appearance in the upcoming sequel. Orci, who is still tied to the franchise as a producer, said that the rumored "time travel" plotline that would allow Shatner's Kirk to meet Chris Pine's younger Pine will not be considered for the sequel.

Star Trek 3, Fast & Furious

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